“In Town For the Grammys, Tony Bennett Took a Stroll and Ran Into Stephen Stills. They Chatted For a Few Minutes and Then Were Joined by Ginger Baker. Nursing One of His Various Grudges, Stills Called Baker a Cunt, Who Promptly Punched Him in the Stomach. Stills Shuffled Away Moaning and Then Returned With a Big Stick Which He Used to Club Baker With” 5 August 2012 (ink on paper, image 7.25″ square)“Ringo and Popeye were Both Out for a Walk, Met Up and Played a Game of Tic-Tac-Toe, Then Continued on Their Way” 23 November 2014 (ink and colored pencil on paper, image 7.25″ square)“Steve Stills and Jim Morrison have a Brief Conversation” 12 June 2014 (ink and colored pencil on paper, image 7.25″ square)“While the Other Beatles were Recording Their Vocals for “Sun King” Ringo went to a Diner and had a Bowl of Soup and then a Slice of Pie” 6 August 2013 (ink on paper, image 7.25″ square)“Ringo Didn’t Write the Inane “Yellow Submarine” but He Spent a Lot of Time Wishing He Had” 19 January 2014 (ink on paper, image 7.25″ square)“Stephen Stills Had Been Motoring Along at a Top Speed in His Sports Car When He Needed to Relieve Himself, So He Pulled Over, Got Out and Took a Piss, Then Hopped Back Into His Car and Sped Away” 7 August 2012 (ink on paper, image 7.25″ square)“After Stephen Stills Ran Over Keith Emerson’s Dog With His Sports Car He Sped Away, Eventually Spotting Iggy Pop on the Sidewalk, He Slowed Down and Threw His Half-finished McDonald’s Milkshake at Him” 6 August 2012 (ink on paper, image 7.25″ square)“Miniature Green Tambourines” 22 August 2013 (ink and colored pencil on paper, image 7.25″ square)“Doc is Here, Doc is Not Here” 10 June 2013 (ink and colored pencil on paper, image 7.25″ square)“The Dying Off of The Mamas & Papas” 2011 (ink and colored pencil on paper, image 7.25″ square)“During the Fractious “Let It Be” Sessions George Quit, Later to Return” 2011 (ink on paper, image 7.25″ square)“They Kicked Out Pete and Then Ringo Joined” 2011 (ink on paper, image 7.25″ square)